Friday 11 September 2009

And nothing has changed, but nothing's the same

Okay, a mad flurry of activity and we're back up to date on the annotations, and I've also made some very small changes to the main site to make reading easier.
Firstly, at the end of each piece, there's a link called Notes which takes you straight to the annotations for the piece. Now, if you're desperate to know where a title came from or what liberties we've taken with recognised history, geography or cosmology, click Notes and you will be transported directly to the relevant back matter over on the notes site.
Secondly, and more importantly, I've overhauled the labels on the main site. It should be fairly clear now that there are a number of different plot threads running though DW. Some of them appear to cross over with the others, some seem (at the moment) to exist in their own little pocket universe. There's no set running order for the pieces and no right or wrong way to read it, and Phil and I both feel that potential readers should have the opportunity to remix the chapters to form any sort of meaning they can find (and let us know what it is when you find it. Please?). The labels now list the characters and locations featured in a specific piece. That way, if all you want to read is stories about Monk Blue then click his name in the labels at the end of the latest piece and you'll be shownn all of his earlier appearances. The same goes for each of the characters, so you can just read Sarah's story, or Mark's, or whichever character you choose to follow. The labels will expand as more characters and locations are featured, but we've got a good start.
That should do for now. Back tomorrow with the latest chapter.

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