Basically, I think it's fantastic. I like my art to have an element of sheer insanity to it, and a giant white slightly elongated face has it in spades. I like the fact that it's meant to symbolise the poor miners' longing for freedom (obviously) and I love that it's only visible for about two minutes as you drive past, leaving slightly sleep deprived travelling businessmen to wonder if they really saw a giant head on a hillside or whether they're starting to lose it. I love the way that it will only look like a real face from a certain angle, the elongated nature meaning that if you're at the bottom of the hill looking up then the foreshortening will give it the proper proportions. Try to see it from any other angle and it becomes less and less human the nearer you get.
Best of all, I like the fact that it reminds me so much of Don Brown's cover to Let It Come Down by Spiritualized:

Based on his wife Yoko, the cover is actualy a 3D plastic case with the face pressed into it, but because of the way the brain compensates for things like that, it automatically flips it so it looks like it's coming out towards you. I hadn't played the CD for about two years, but when I saw Phil's post on Dream I had to dig it out. Cause and effect indeed.
In other news, The Guardian has JG Ballard's final short story online for all to read here:
While Mr Karl A Russell continues to thrill the world with his deeply unpleasant SF epic Hurt here:
Right, off to the main blog to introduce the world to Lieutenant Dietar Schnitzler...
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